About Me

Hey Everyone!

My name is Holly, and I have been involved with kinesiology for a whole year now!  I can honestly say I have no idea where I would be right now without it. When I discovered kinesiology (XK), it was by chance. I work full time as a hairstylist and I am always surrounded with people’s joys, heartbreaks and even just being. And now with my new discovered knowledge, I can pick up the phone and change someone’s day just by speaking with them! This is so incredible! I now live and breath XK.

The Mona HollySome people may think that seeing a chiropractor means there is something wrong with that person. Seriously, if you find yourself in a XK office with a certain symptom, please take note that you are truly blessed! The body pushes it’s own buttons so it can continue changing and growing, and most importantly, interact properly with the mind. It is amazing how a “problem” can consume one’s life. My “problem” was always my feet. I shattered both of my heels and broke my toes on my left foot. I went to physical therapy and I could move my ankles only 5 degrees! With the help of XK, I no longer have to worry about my shoes that I wear or how I will make it through the day. It is so wonderful not being consumed by fear, pain, uncertainty.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. My mother taught me this when I was very young. I can remember my first treatment with Dr. William Gustafson. My initial visit was almost 2 hours long. I was crying, hyperventilating and I probably looked so terrible! But I was smiling the entire time. I walked out of the room and I tried to say that I was so happy and relieved, but all I could do was cry. There had been a huge rock lifted off of me that day. I had a very extreme reaction to the treatment, and I am so thankful for that. There is a comfort about being who I am and walking into the office, just knowing that I am doing everything I am supposed to, changing. I change constantly! My friends, my ideas, my favorite food, EVERYTHING! I do not like being in the same place all the time. My parents can vouch for me! I am so excited for tomorrow, the next day, two years from now, 30 years from now. Nothing scares me anymore. So now there may be nothing wrong with me, and just being influenced by kinesiology has changed my life!

Change is the only thing that is constant in my life. And I am ok with that!

  1. Cathy Kennedy says:

    Hi Holly!! This is pretty exciting stuff . . . AND . . . you look absolutely stunning!!!


  2. Loveleen says:

    Hi Holly,
    This site looks great, you write well. I would love to sit and here more about XK from your perspective. Let’s meet up one day 🙂

    • Holly says:

      Hey Loveleen! You left a comment on my website, but I don’t really exist except in DrG’s imagination. I gave him permission to make this site in my name and use my images however he chooses. He thinks it’s cute that you commented on it. Love, Holly

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